Monday, August 23, 2010


So besides taking care of tiny Xander, I have had time to work on a few other hobbies and it's been really nice! Mostly, I have been cooking. I'm making lunch and dinner every day and trying out a lot of new recipes! This is the beginning of a spaghetti sauce made with Lemon Boy and Early Goliath tomatoes from our garden. It was super tasty! I used some deer meat that my grandpa brought back from his hunting trip in North Carolina. MMMmmm!

I also have finally started pulling all of the books we've been buying off of the bookshelf and actually reading them! Mostly, I've been reading books that I probably should have read in Middle School (or maybe before). But they've been fun anyway and I have books that are a little more challenging to read also. For now, I'm not in school anymore so my only purpose in reading isn't to push my vocabulary, I can sit down and enjoy an easy read and not feel bad about it! Yesterday, I finished A Wind in the Door. It is the sequel to A Wrinkle in Time and I think I liked it even more than the first one! I'm working on number three out of five now, then who knows what!


Today, Xander has been asleep most of the afternoon and it's naptime for the girls I am babysitting, so I decided I'd try my hand at drawing again. Because of Adam's little "x-man" nickname for Xander, I decided once he gets older, we should decorate his room with x-men, so I started drawing up some plans! So far I've just got wolverine, we'll see how many more I get done today. I forgot how much fun it is to draw; I really love ink drawing the best of any medium I've tried.

Not too bad I guess!!! Time to try some more!

Last week was my first week with daycare girls over, they are really pretty easy and I'm happy to say, I still get to spend a lot of time with my baby. That was the plan all along, right? It's been pretty fun and I am optimistic and have a lot more confidence that I will be able to work things this way so that I get to stay at home with my little boy rather than leave him with anyone else while I go work for someone else. Tonight, Adam goes back to work though, so we'll see if things get even harder than they have been with him doing just school. I'm sure I can handle it, but I will miss having him around 24/7. He's pretty good company you know!

For now, I've got a clean and quiet house to relax in while I wait for the kiddos to start waking up.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

He's a fun little cuddlebug in the mornings!

And loves bath time!


So, about five days ago, my wonderful baby boy decided he didn't want to poop anymore. He apparently just hated diaper changes so much that he refused to do it any more. Naturally, I started to wonder (freak out) if this was normal. All I thought about was his poop and I kept looking up websites, making sure this wasn't a problem. Adam told me I was crazy and yesterday, the doctor pretty much agreed. Apparently, breastfed babies can go weeks without pooping if they have a really good digestive system! Crazy, huh?
Well this morning, Xander finally decided that he didn't want me to worry any more. I thought I'd be happy to see a little dirty diaper, but that is not what he gave me. He gave me a dirty diaper, two dirty blankets, a dirty sheet, and a filthy changing table, all before 6 am.

"Nothing to worry about, mom!"
Awesome, thanks.


So, I guess I am starting a blog. Mostly because it sounds like fun, but also because very soon, my husband's paternity leave is over and I will have no one but tiny children to keep me company all day. Maybe this can help me connect to the outside world in between diapers and picture books. We shall see...

For now, I am really enjoying everything: my baby, babysitting, not having a "real" job. I love being home with my little boy. Right now he is bundled up in a tiny towel after his bath and conked out on the couch. He is definitely a sweetie and I love him VERY much! I've got the daycare kids over too, and we're all playing and having a good time. Definitely beats working in a bank!

James 5:13 - Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.

I'm singing today, hope you are too!