Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So it's time for New Year's resolutions again (actually a few days past) and for the first time, I've actually made a few of them. Here's mine:
~The normal, lose some weight.
~Budget better and actually follow it sometimes.
~Read books more. I am looking at C.S. Lewis, Madeline L'Engle, Tolkien, George MacDonald, GK Chesterton, and Skippyjon Jones :)
~Read my Bible a LOT more. I'd like to read through the whole thing, but it's not always easy to find time to read for any length of time lately. It's worth a try though!
~Stop biting my nails. This will probably never happen though. I just really don't want it to be something Xander picks up.
~Do better! Clean my house, take care of my husband, love my baby, be a good friend, all of those of course!

I signed up for a daily challenge email thing yesterday. It's supposed to help me live better and I guess just think more consciously about daily decisions. It seems like most of them have to do with sharing my answers and this is where I have chosen to do it.

Today's Challenge:
How do you start your day? Share a healthy breakfast idea.

Well, today it was a banana and coffee. Does that count as healthy?
One that I've tried that definitely counts is quinoa and blueberries. yum, yum!

On the baby front, things are going great! Xander is babbling up a storm and bouncing around on his hands and knees trying to figure out what this crawling stuff is all about. And, he's got a new friend from church to play with! She's here a few days out of the week and they are so cute to see playing together!

So far, January is treating us well and I hope it's doing the same for you!

When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries; May Jesus Christ be praised!
Joseph Barnby

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